Search Results: "tino"

1 March 2021

Alo s Micard: Open sourcing my blog

I have received a lot of positives feedback for my blog lately, and I do really appreciate it and try to integrate the suggestions to update my posts and make things better. With the aim of continous improvement of this blog, I have decided (a bit late?) to open source it. The source code is now available on Github! Feel free to open a PR if you want to fix a typo or if you see a mistake in one examples while reading an article.

30 March 2020

Mike Gabriel: Mailman3 - Call for Translations (@Weblate)

TL;DR; please help localizing Mailman3 [1]. You can find it on hosted Weblate [2].The next component releases are planned in 1-2 weeks from now. Thanks for your contribution! If you can't make it now, please consider working on Mailman3 translations at some later point of time. Thanks! Time has come for Mailman3 Over the last months I have found an interest in Mailman3. Given the EOL of Python2 in January 2020 and also being a heavy Mailman2 provider for various of my projects and also for customers, I felt it was time to look at Mailman2's successor: Mailman3 [1]. One great novelty in Mailman3 is the strict split up between backend (Mailman Core), and the frontend components (django-mailman3, Postorius, Hyperkitty). All three are Django applications. Postorius is the list management web frontend whereas Hyperkitty is an archive viewer. Other than in Mailman2, you can also drop list posts into Hyperkitty directly (instead of sending a mail to the list). This makes Hyperkitty also some sort of forum software with a mailing list core in the back. The django-mailman3 module knits the previous two together (and handles account management, login dialog, profile settings, etc.). Looking into Mailman3 Upstream Code Some time back in midst 2019 I decided to deploy Mailman3 at a customer's site and also for my own business (which still is the test installation). Living and working in Germany, my customers' demand often is a fully localized WebUI. And at that time, Mailman3 could not provide this. Many exposed parts of the Mailman3 components were still not localized (or not localizable). Together with my employee I put some hours of effort into providing merge requests, filing bug reports, request better Weblate integration (meaning: hosted Weblate), improving the membership scripting support, etc. It felt a bit like setting the whole i18n thing in motion. Call for Translations Over the past months I had to focus on other work and two days ago I was delighted that Abhilash Raj (one of the Mailman3 upstream maintainers) informed me (via closing one of the related bugs [3]) that Mailman3 is now fully integrated with the hosted Weblate service and a continous translation workflow is set to go. The current translation stati of the Mailman3 components are at ~ 10%. We can do better than this, I sense. So, if you are a non-native English speaker and feel like contributing to Mailman3, please visit the hosted Weblate site [2], sign up for an account (if you don't have one already), and chime in into the translation of one of the future mailing list software suites run by many FLOSS projects all around the globe. Thanks a lot for your help. As a side note, if you plan working on translating Mailman Core into your language (and can't find it in the list of supported languages), please request this new language via the Weblate UI. All other components have all available languages enabled by default. References:

11 March 2020

Antoine Beaupr : Font changes

I have worked a bit on the fonts I use recently. From the main font I use every day in my text editor and terminals to this very website, I did a major and (hopefully) thoughtful overhaul of my typography, in the hope of making things easier to use and, to be honest, just prettier.

Editor and Terminal: Fira mono This all started when I found out about the Jetbrains Mono font. I found the idea of ligatures fascinating: the result is truly beautiful. So I do what I often do (sometimes to the despair of some fellow Debian members) and filed a RFP to document my research. As it turns out, Jetbrains Mono is not free enough to be packaged in Debian, because it requires proprietary tools to build. I nevertheless figured I could try another font so I looked at other monospace alternatives. I found the following packages in debian: Those are also "programmer fonts" that caught my interest but somehow didn't land in Debian yet: Because Fira code had ligatures, i ended up giving it a shot. I really like the originality of the font. See, for example, how the @ sign looks when compared to my previous font, Liberation Mono:
A dark terminal window showing the prompt '[SIGPIPE]anarcat@angela:~(master)$' in the Liberation Mono font Liberation Mono
A dark terminal window showing the prompt '[SIGPIPE]anarcat@angela:~(master)$' in the Fira mono font Fira Mono
Interestingly, a colleague (thanks ahf!) pointed me to the Practical Typography post "Ligatures in programming fonts: hell no", which makes the very convincing argument that ligatures are downright dangerous to programming environment. In my experiences with the fonts, it was also not always giving the result I would expect. I also remembered that the Emacs Haskell mode would have this tendency of inserting crazy syntactic sugar like this in source code without being asked, which I found extremely frustrating. Besides, Emacs doesn't support ligatures, unless you count such horrendous hacks which hack at the display time. That's because Emacs' display layer is not based on a modern rendering library like Pango but some scary legacy code that very few people understand. On top of the complexity of the codebase, there is also resistance in including a modern font. So I ended up using Fira mono everywhere I use fixed-width fonts, even though it's not packaged in Debian. That involves the following configuration in my .Xresources (no, I haven't switched to Wayland):
! font settings
Emacs*font: Fira mono
rofi*font: Fira mono 12
! Symbola is to get emojis to display correctly, apt install fonts-symbola
!URxvt*font: xft:Monospace,xft:Symbola
URxvt*font: xft:Fira mono,xft:Symbola
I also dropped this script in ~/.local/share/fonts/, for lack of a better way, to download all the fonts I'm interested in:
set -e
set -u
wget --no-clobber --continue
unzip -u
wget --no-clobber --continue
unzip -u
wget --no-clobber --continue
unzip -u
wget --no-clobber --continue
unzip -u
wget --no-clobber --continue -O   true
unzip -u
Update: I forgot to mention one motivation behind this was to work around a change in the freetype interpreter, discussed in bug 866685 and my upgrades documentation.

Website: Charter That "hell no" article got me interested in the Practical Typography web book, which I read over the weekend. It was an eye opener and I realized I had already some of those concepts implanted; in fact it's probably after reading the Typography in ten minutes guide that I ended up trying Fira sans a few years ago. I have removed that font since then, however, after realising it was taking up an order of magnitude more bandwidth space than the actual page content. I really loved the book, so much that I actually bought it. I liked the concept of it, the look, and the fact that it's a living document. There's a lot of typography work I would need to do on this site to catchup with the recommendations from Matthew Butterick. Switching fonts is only one part of this, but it's something I was excited to work on. So I sat down and reviewed the free fonts Butterick recommends and tried out a few. I ended up settling on Charter, a relatively old (in terms of computing) font designed by Matthew Carter (of Verdana fame) in 1987. Charter really looks great and is surprisingly small. While a single version of Fira varies between 96KiB (Fira Sans Condensed) and 308KiB (Fira Sans Medium Italic), Charter is only 28KiB! While it's still about as large as most of my articles, I found it was a better compromise and decided to make the jump. This site is now in Serif, which is a huge change for me. The change was done with the following CSS:
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, body  
     * Charter: Butterick's favorite, freely available, found on
     * Palatino: Mac OS
     * Palatino Linotype: Windows
     * Noto serif: Android, packaged in Debian
     * Liberation serif: Linux fallback
     * Serif: fallback
    font-family: Charter, Palatino, "Palatino Linotype", "Noto serif", "Liberation serif", serif;
    /* Charter is available from under the liberal Bitstream license */
I have also decided to outline headings by making them slanted, using the beautiful italic version of Charter:
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5  
    font-style: italic;
I also made the point size larger, if the display is large enough:
/* enlarge body point size for charter for larger displays */
@media (min-device-width: 750px)  
        font-size: 20px;
        line-height: 1.3; /* default in FF is ~1.48 */
Modern display (including fonts) have a much higher resolution and the point size on my website was really getting too small to be readable. This, in turn, required a change to the max-width:
    /* about 2.5 alphabets with charter */
    max-width: 35em;
I have kept the footers and "UI" elements in sans-serif though, and kept those aligned on operating system defaults or "system fonts":
/* some hacking at typefaces to get some fresh zest in here
 * fallbacks from:
.navbar, .footer  
     * Avenir: Mac, quite different but should still be pretty
     * Gill sans: Mac, Windows, somewhat similar to Avenir (indulge me)
     * Noto sans: Android, packaged in Debian
     * Open sans: Texlive extras AKA Linux, packaged in Debian
     * Fira sans: Mozilla's Firefox OS
     * Liberation sans: Linux fallback
     * Helvetica: general fallback
     * Sans-serif: fallback
    font-family: Avenir, "Gill sans", "Noto sans", "Open sans", "Fira sans", "Liberation sans", Helvetica, sans-serif;
    /* Fira is available from under the SIL Open Font License */
    /* alternatively, just use system fonts for "controls" instead:
    font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Roboto", "Oxygen", "Ubuntu", "Cantarell", "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;
    gitlab uses: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Noto Sans", Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"
I've only done some preliminary testing of how this will look like. Although I tested on a few devices (my phone, e-book tablet, an iPad, and of course my laptop), I fully expect things to break on your device. Do let me know if things look better or worse. For future comparison, my site is well indexed in the Internet Wayback Machine and can be used to look at the site before the change. For example, compare the previous article here with its earlier style. The changes to the theme are of course available in my custom ikiwiki bootstrap theme (see in particular commits 0bca0fb7 and d1901fb8), as usual. Enjoy, and let me know what you think! PS: I considered just setting the Charter font in CSS and not adding it as a @font-face. I'm still considering that option and might do so if the performance cost is too big. The Fira mono font is actually set like this for the preformatted sections of the site, but because it's more common (and it's too big) I haven't added it as a font-face. You might want to download the font locally to benefit from the full experience as well. PPS: As it turns out, an earlier version of this post featured exactly that: a non-webfont version of Charter, which works fine if you have a good Charter font available. But it looks absolutely terrible if, like many Linux users, you have the nasty bitmap font shipped with xfonts-100dpi and xfonts-75dpi. So I fixed the webfont and it's unlikely this site will be able to load reasonably well in Linux until those packages are removed or bitmap font rendering is disabled.

5 October 2017

Ross Gammon: My FOSS activities for August & September 2017

I am writing this from my hotel room in Bologna, Italy before going out for a pizza. After a successful Factory Acceptance Test today, I might also allow myself to celebrate with a beer. But anyway, here is what I have been up to in the FLOSS world for the last month and a bit. Debian
  • Uploaded gramps (4.2.6) to stretch-backports & jessie-backports-sloppy.
  • Started working on the latest release of node-tmp. It needs further work due to new documentation being included etc.
  • Started working on packaging the latest goocanvas-2.0 package. Everything is ready except for producing some autopkgtests.
  • Moved node-coffeeify experimental to unstable.
  • Updated the Multimedia Blends Tasks with all the latest ITPs etc.
  • Reviewed doris for Antonio Valentino, and sponsored it for him.
  • Reviewed pyresample for Antonio Valentino, and sponsored it for him.
  • Reviewed a new parlatype package for Gabor Karsay, and sponsored it for him.
  • Successfully did my first merge using git-ubuntu for the Qjackctl package. Thanks to Nish for patiently answering my questions, reviewing my work, and sponsoring the upload.
  • Refreshed the gramps backport request to 4.2.6. Still no willing sponsor.
  • Tested Len s rewrite of ubuntustudio-controls, adding a CPU governor option in particular. There are a couple of minor things to tidy up, but we have probably missed the chance to get it finalised for Artful.
  • Tested the First Beta release of Ubuntu Studio 17.10 Artful and wrote the release notes. Also drafted my first release announcement on the Ubunti Studio website which Eylul reviewed and published.
  • Refreshed the ubuntustudio-meta package and requested sponsorship. This was done by Steve Langasek. Thanks Steve.
  • Tested the Final Beta release of Ubuntu Studio 17.10 Artful and wrote the release notes.
  • Started working on a new Carla package, starting from where V ctor Cuadrado Juan left it (ITP in Debian).

14 August 2017

Jamie McClelland: Diversity doesn't help the bottom line

A Google software engineer's sexist screed against diversity has been making the rounds lately. Most notable are the offensive and mis-guided statements about gender essentialism, which honestly make the thing hard to read at all. What seems lost in the hype, however, is that his primary point seems quite accurate. In short: If Google successfully diversified it's workforce, racial and gender tensions would increase not decrease, divisiveness would spread and, with all liklihood, Google could be damaged. Imagine what would happen if the thousands of existing, mostly male, white and Asian engineers, the majority of whom are convinced that they play no part in racism and sexism, were confronted with thousands of smart and ambitious women, African Americans and Latinos who were becoming their bosses, telling them to work in different ways, and taking "their" promotions. It would be a revolution! I'd love to see it. Google's bosses definitely do not. That's why none of the diversity programs at Google or any other major tech company are having any impact - because they are not designed to have an impact. They are designed to boost morale and make their existing engineers feel good about what they do. Google has one goal: to make money. And one strategy: to design software that that people want to use. One of their tactics that is highly effective is building tight knit groups of programmers who work well together. If the creation of hostile, racist and sexist environments is a by-product - well, it's not one that affects their bottom line. Would Google make better software with a more diverse group of engineers? Definitely! For one, if African American engineers were working on their facial recognition software, it's doubtful it would have mistaken people with black faces for gorillas. However, if the perceived improvement in software outweighed the risks of diversification, then Google would not waste any time on feel-good programs and trainings - they would simply build a jobs pipeline and change their job outreach programs to recruit substantially more female, African Americans and Latino candidates. In the end, this risk avoidance and failure to perceive the limitations of homogeneity is the achiles heel of corporate software design. Our challenge is to see what we can build outside the confines of corporate culture that prioritizes profits, production efficiency, and stability. What can we do with teams that are willing to embrace racial and gender tension, risk diviseveness and be willing to see benefits beyond releasing version 1.0?

4 June 2017

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppArmadillo 0.7.900.2.0

armadillo image The new RcppArmadillo release 0.7.900.2.0 is now on CRAN, and the Debian package was just updated as well. Armadillo is a powerful and expressive C++ template library for linear algebra aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use with a syntax deliberately close to a Matlab. RcppArmadillo integrates this library with the R environment and language--and is widely used by (currently) 350 other packages on CRAN---an increase of 32 since the last CRAN release of 0.7.800.2.0 in April! With the 7.900.* series of Armadillo, Conrad has started to more fully utilize OpenMP (also see Wikipedia on OpenMP) for operations that can be parallelized. To use this in your package you need to update its src/Makevars ,.win file similarly to what the skeleton default now uses
and you may want to enable C++11 while you are at it---though this may pose issues with older-than-ancient RHEL installations which are still (way too) pervasive so we do not do it by default (yet). Here, we once again rely on the build infrastructure automagically provided by R itself: if and when OpenMP is available, R will use it via $(SHLIB_OPENMP_CXXFLAGS) etc; see the fine WRE manual for details. That said, some operating systems make this harder than other, and macOS usually takes the crown. See for example this blog post by James for surviving in that environment. I am a little short of details because on Linux these things just work, and have for well over a decade. The rcpp-devel mailing list will be the best place for questions. Changes in this release relative to the previous CRAN release are as follows:

Changes in RcppArmadillo version 0.7.900.2.0 (2017-06-02)
  • Upgraded to Armadillo release 7.900.2 (Evil Banana Republic)
    • Expanded clamp() to handle cubes
    • Computationally expensive element-wise functions (such as exp(), log(), cos(), etc) can now be automatically sped up via OpenMP; this requires a C++11/C++14 compiler with OpenMP 3.0+ support for GCC and clang compilers
    • One caveat: when using GCC, use of -march=native in conjunction with -fopenmp may lead to speed regressions on recent processors
  • Added gcc 7 to support compiler check (James Balamuta in #128 addressing #126).
  • A unit test helper function for rmultinom was corrected (#133).
  • OpenMP support was added to the skeleton helper in inline.R

Courtesy of CRANberries, there is a diffstat report. More detailed information is on the RcppArmadillo page. Questions, comments etc should go to the rcpp-devel mailing list off the R-Forge page.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

11 May 2017

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Debunk some Debian myths

Debian CUSL 11 Debian has many years of history, about 25 years already. With such a long travel over the continous field of developing our Universal Operating System, some myths, false accusations and bad reputation has arisen. Today I had the opportunity to discuss this topic, I was invited to give a Debian talk in the 11 Concurso Universitario de Software Libre , a Spanish contest for students to develop and dig a bit into free-libre open source software (and hardware). In this talk, I walked through some of the most common Debian myths, and I would like to summarize here some of them, with a short explanation of why I think they should be debunked. Picture of the talk myth #1: Debian is old software Please, use testing or stable-backports. If you use Debian stable your system will in fact be stable and that means: updates contain no new software but only fixes. myth #2: Debian is slow We compile and build most of our packages with industry-standard compilers and options. I don t see a significant difference on how fast linux kernel or mysql run in a CentOS or in Debian. myth #3: Debian is difficult I already discussed about this issue back in Jan 2017, Debian is a puzzle: difficult. myth #4: Debian has no graphical environment This is, simply put, false. We have gnome, kde, xfce and more. The basic Debian installer asks you what do you want at install time. myth #5: since Debian isn t commercial, the quality is poor Did you know that most of our package developers are experts in their packages and in their upstream code? Not all, but most of them. Besides, many package developers get paid to do their Debian job. Also, there are external companies which do indeed offer support for Debian (see freexian for example). myth #6: I don t trust Debian Why? Did we do something to gain this status? If so, please let us know. You don t trust how we build or configure our packages? You don t trust how we work? Anyway, I m sorry, you have to trust someone if you want to use any kind of computer. Supervising every single bit of your computer isn t practical for you. Please trust us, we do our best. myth #7: nobody uses Debian I don t agree. Many people use Debian. They even run Debian in the International Space Station. Do you count derivatives, such as Ubuntu? I believe this myth is just pointless, but some people out there really think nobody uses Debian. myth #8: Debian uses systemd Well, this is true. But you can run sysvinit if you want. I prefer and recommend systemd though :-) myth #9: Debian is only for servers No. See myths #1, #2 and #4. You may download my slides in PDF and in ODP format (only in Spanish, sorry for English readers).

17 March 2017

Antonio Terceiro: Patterns for Testing Debian Packages

At the and of 2016 I had the pleasure to attend the 11th Latin American Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, a.k.a SugarLoaf PLoP. PLoP is a series of conferences on Patterns (as in Design Patterns ), a subject that I appreciate a lot. Each of the PLoP conferences but the original main big conference has a funny name. SugarLoaf PLoP is called that way because its very first edition was held in Rio de Janeiro, so the organizers named it after a very famous mountain in Rio. The name stuck even though a long time has passed since it was held in Rio for the last time. 2016 was actually the first time SugarLoaf PLoP was held outside of Brazil, finally justifying the Latin American part of its name. I was presenting a paper I wrote on patterns for testing Debian packages. The Debian project funded my travel expenses through the generous donations of its supporters. PLoP s are very fun conferences with a relaxed atmosphere, and is amazing how many smart (and interesting!) people gather together for them. My paper is titled Patterns for Writing As-Installed Tests for Debian Packages , and has the following abstract:
Large software ecosystems, such as GNU/Linux distributions, demand a large amount of effort to make sure all of its components work correctly invidually, and also integrate correctly with each other to form a coherent system. Automated Quality Assurance techniques can prevent issues from reaching end users. This paper presents a pattern language originated in the Debian project for automated software testing in production-like environments. Such environments are closer in similarity to the environment where software will be actually deployed and used, as opposed to the development environment under which developers and regular Continuous Integration mechanisms usually test software products. The pattern language covers the handling of issues arising from the difference between development and production-like environments, as well as solutions for writing new, exclusive tests for as-installed functional tests. Even though the patterns are documented here in the context of the Debian project, they can also be generalized to other contexts.
In practical terms, the paper documents a set of patterns I have noticed in the last few years, when I have been pushing the Debian Continous Integration project. It should be an interesting read for people interested in the testing of Debian packages in their installed form, as done with autopkgtest. It should also be useful for people from other distributions interested in the subject, as the issues are not really Debian-specific. I have recently finished the final version of the paper, which should be published in the ACM Digital Library at any point now. You can download a copy of the paper in PDF. Source is also available, if you are into markdown, LaTeX, makefiles and this sort of thing. If everything goes according to plan, I should be presenting a talk on this at the next Debconf in Montreal.

18 January 2017

Norbert Preining: Debian/TeX Live January 2017

As the freeze of the next release is closing in, I have updated a bunch of packages around TeX: All of the TeX Live packages (binaries and arch independent ones) and tex-common. I might see whether I get some updates of ConTeXt out, too.
texlive2016-debian The changes in the binaries are mostly cosmetic: one removal of a non-free (unclear-free) file, and several upstream patches got cherrypicked (dvips, tltexjp contact email, upmendex, dvipdfmx). I played around with including LuaTeX v1.0, but that breaks horribly with the current packages in TeX Live, so I refrained from it. The infrastructure package tex-common got a bugfix for updates from previous releases, and for the other packages there is the usual bunch of updates and new packages. Enjoy! New packages arimo, arphic-ttf, babel-japanese, conv-xkv, css-colors, dtxdescribe, fgruler, footmisx, halloweenmath, keyfloat, luahyphenrules, math-into-latex-4, mendex-doc, missaali, mpostinl, padauk, platexcheat, pstring, pst-shell, ptex-fontmaps, scsnowman, stanli, tinos, undergradmath, yaletter. Updated packages acmart, animate, apxproof, arabluatex, arsclassica, babel-french, babel-russian, baskervillef, beamer, beebe, biber, biber.x86_64-linux, biblatex, biblatex-apa, biblatex-chem, biblatex-dw, biblatex-gb7714-2015, biblatex-ieee, biblatex-philosophy, biblatex-sbl, bidi, calxxxx-yyyy, chemgreek, churchslavonic, cochineal, comicneue, cquthesis, csquotes, ctanify, ctex, cweb, dataref, denisbdoc, diagbox, dozenal, dtk, dvipdfmx, dvipng, elocalloc, epstopdf, erewhon, etoolbox, exam-n, fbb, fei, fithesis, forest, glossaries, glossaries-extra, glossaries-french, gost, gzt, historische-zeitschrift, inconsolata, japanese-otf, japanese-otf-uptex, jsclasses, latex-bin, latex-make, latexmk, lt3graph, luatexja, markdown, mathspec, mcf2graph, media9, mendex-doc, metafont, mhchem, mweights, nameauth, noto, nwejm, old-arrows, omegaware, onlyamsmath, optidef, pdfpages, pdftools, perception, phonrule, platex-tools, polynom, preview, prooftrees, pst-geo, pstricks, pst-solides3d, ptex, ptex2pdf, ptex-fonts, qcircuit, quran, raleway, reledmac, resphilosophica, sanskrit, scalerel, scanpages, showexpl, siunitx, skdoc, skmath, skrapport, smartdiagram, sourcesanspro, sparklines, tabstackengine, tetex, tex, tex4ht, texlive-scripts, tikzsymbols, tocdata, uantwerpendocs, updmap-map, uplatex, uptex, uptex-fonts, withargs, wtref, xcharter, xcntperchap, xecjk, xellipsis, xepersian, xint, xlop, yathesis.

31 December 2016

Jonathan McDowell: IMDB Top 250: Complete. Sort of.

Back in 2010, inspired by Juliet, I set about doing 101 things in 1001 days. I had various levels of success, but one of the things I did complete was the aim of watching half of the IMDB Top 250. I didn t stop at that point, but continued to work through it at a much slower pace until I realised that through the Queen s library I had access to quite a few DVDs of things I was missing, and that it was perfectly possible to complete the list by the end of 2016. So I did. I should point out that I didn t set out to watch the list because I m some massive film buff. It was more a mixture of watching things that I wouldn t otherwise choose to, and also watching things I knew were providing cultural underpinnings to films I had already watched and enjoyed. That said, people have asked for some sort of write up when I was done. So here are some random observations, which are almost certainly not what they were looking for.

My favourite film is not in the Top 250 First question anyone asks is What s your favourite film? . That depends a lot on what I m in the mood for really, but fairly consistently my answer is The Hunt for Red October. This has never been in the Top 250 that I ve noticed. Which either says a lot about my taste in films, or the Top 250, or both. Das Boot was in the list and I would highly recommend it (but then I like all submarine movies it seems).

The Shawshank Redemption is overrated I can t recall a time when The Shawshank Redemption was not top of the list. It s a good film, and I ve watched it many times, but I don t think it s good enough to justify its seemingly unbroken run. I don t have a suggestion for a replacement, however.

The list is constantly changing I say I ve completed the Top 250, but that s working from a snapshot I took back in 2010. Today the site is telling me I ve watched 215 of the current list. Last night it was 214 and I haven t watched anything in between. Some of those are films released since 2010 (in particular new releases often enter high and then fall out of the list over a month or two), but the current list has films as old as 1928 (The Passion of Joan of Arc) that weren t there back in 2010. So keeping up to date is not simply a matter of watching new releases.

The best way to watch the list is terrestrial TV There were various methods I used to watch the list. Some I d seen in the cinema when they came out (or was able to catch that way anyway - the QFT showed Duck Soup, for example). Netflix and Amazon Video had some films, but overall a very disappointing percentage. The QUB Library, as previously mentioned, had a good number of DVDs on the list (especially the older things). I ended up buying a few (Dial M for Murder on 3D Bluray was well worth it; it s beautifully shot and unobtrusively 3D), borrowed a few from friends and ended up finishing off the list by a Lovefilm one month free trial. The single best source, however, was UK terrestrial TV. Over the past 6 years Freeview (the free-to-air service here) had the highest percentage of the list available. Of course this requires some degree of organisation to make sure you don t miss things.

Films I enjoyed Not necessarily my favourite, but things I wouldn t have necessarily watched and was pleasantly surprised by. No particular order, and I m leaving out a lot of films I really enjoyed but would have got around to watching anyway.
  • Clint Eastwood films - Gran Torino and Million Dollar Baby were both excellent but neither would have appealed to me at first glance. I hated Unforgiven though.
  • Jimmy Stewart. I m not a fan of It s a Wonderful Life (which I d already watched because it s Lister s favourite film), but Harvey is obviously the basis of lots of imaginary friend movies and Rear Window explained a Simpsons episode (there were a lot of Simpsons episodes explained by watching the list).
  • Spaghetti Westerns. I wouldn t have thought they were my thing, but I really enjoyed the Sergio Leone films (A Fistful of Dollars etc.). You can see where Tarantino gets a lot of his inspiration.
  • Foreign language films. I wouldn t normally seek these out. And in general it seems I cannot get on with Italian films (except Life is Beautiful), but Amores Perros, Amelie and Ikiru were all better than expected.
  • Kind Hearts and Coronets. For some reason I didn t watch this until almost the end; I think the title always put me off. Turned out to be very enjoyable.

Films I didn t enjoy I m sure these mark me out as not being a film buff, but there are various things I would have turned off if I d caught them by accident rather than setting out to watch them. I ve kept the full list available, if you re curious.

3 November 2016

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (September and October 2016)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Congratulations!

3 October 2016

Shirish Agarwal: Using JOSM and gpx tracks

This would be a longish post. I had bought a Samsung Galaxy J-5/500 just a few days before Debconf16 which I had written about a bit earlier as well. As can be seen in the specs there isn t much to explore other than A-GPS. There were a couple of temperature apps. which I wanted to explore before buying the smartphone but as there were budget constraints and there weren t any good budget smartphones with environmental sensors built-in had to let go of those features. I was looking for a free app. which would have OSM support and came across osmand . I was looking for an app. which would have support for OSM and support for the gpx format. I was planning to use osmand in South Africa but due to the over-whelming nature of meeting people, seeing places and just being didn t actually get the time and place to try it. Came back home and a month and a half passed. In-between I had done some simple small tracks but nothing major. This week-end I got the opportunity as I got some free data balance from my service provider (a princely 50 MB) as well an opportunity to go about 40 odd kms. from the city. I had read about osmand and was looking if the off-line method worked or not from the webpage Works online (fast) or offline (no roaming charges when you are abroad) So armed with a full battery I started the journey which took about an hour and half even though technically it was a holiday. On the way back, got a different route and recorded that as well. The app. worked flawlessly. I was able to get the speed of the vehicle and everything. The only thing I haven t understood till date is how to select waypoints but other than that I got the whole route on my mobile. What was cool to see that on most roads, at least through the app. there were speed limits. Now I don t know from where the data was getting there. Most city roads had 65 and some roads had 55 at the maximum. I am assuming that it was at km/hr as also shared later. Just for fun I also looked at the gpx file after copying it from mobile to hdd (an extract) While it s not a complete extract, What was interesting for me to note here is the time was in UTC . What was also interesting is that in the gpx tracks I also saw some entries about speed as can be seen in the paste above. Although it doesn t say whether it was in km/hr or mph, I believe it probably is km/hr. as that is the unit I defined in the app. Anyways, the next step was trying to see which tool was good enough to show me the tracks with tiles underneath and labels of places, paths etc. I tried three tools 1. jmapviewer this didn t work at all.
2. gnome-maps this worked remarkably well but has numerous gtk3.0 warnings [shirish@debian] - [~/osmand] - [10149]
[$] gnome-maps 2016-10-01_08-11_Sat.gpx
(gnome-maps:21017): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:63:28: The :prelight pseudo-class is deprecated. Use :hover instead. (gnome-maps:21017): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:73:35: The :prelight pseudo-class is deprecated. Use :hover instead. (gnome-maps:21017): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: application.css:14:30: The style property GtkButton:image-spacing is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version (gnome-maps:21017): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: application.css:15:31: The style property GtkWidget:interior-focus is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version (gnome-maps:21017): Gdk-WARNING **: /build/gtk+3.0-Tod2iD/gtk+3.0-3.22.0/./gdk/x11/gdkwindow-x11.c:5554 drawable is not a native X11 window (gnome-maps:21017): Gdk-WARNING **: /build/gtk+3.0-Tod2iD/gtk+3.0-3.22.0/./gdk/x11/gdkwindow-x11.c:5554 drawable is not a native X11 window (gnome-maps:21017): Gdk-WARNING **: /build/gtk+3.0-Tod2iD/gtk+3.0-3.22.0/./gdk/x11/gdkwindow-x11.c:5554 drawable is not a native X11 window (gnome-maps:21017): Gdk-WARNING **: /build/gtk+3.0-Tod2iD/gtk+3.0-3.22.0/./gdk/x11/gdkwindow-x11.c:5554 drawable is not a native X11 window (gnome-maps:21017): Gdk-WARNING **: /build/gtk+3.0-Tod2iD/gtk+3.0-3.22.0/./gdk/x11/gdkwindow-x11.c:5554 drawable is not a native X11 window (gnome-maps:21017): Gdk-WARNING **: /build/gtk+3.0-Tod2iD/gtk+3.0-3.22.0/./gdk/x11/gdkwindow-x11.c:5554 drawable is not a native X11 window (gnome-maps:21017): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkClutterOffscreen 0x4c4f3f0 is drawn without a current allocation. This should not happen. (gnome-maps:21017): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkImage 0x4ed4140 is drawn without a current allocation. This should not happen. Now I m not sure whether all of those are gtk3+ issues or me running them under Debian MATE. I know that there are issues with mate and gtk3+ as had been told/shared a few times in p.d.o. Anyways, one of the issues I encountered is that gnome-maps doesn t work in offline-mode, saw . Also saw ~/.cache/champlain/osm-mapquest and the listing underneath is gibberish in the sense you don t know what it meant to do
[shirish@debian] - [~/.cache/champlain/osm-mapquest] - [10163]
[$] ll -h
drwx------ 6 shirish shirish 4.0K Jun 11 2015 10
drwx------ 26 shirish shirish 4.0K Oct 24 2014 11
drwx------ 10 shirish shirish 4.0K Jun 11 2015 12
drwx------ 11 shirish shirish 4.0K Jun 11 2015 13
drwx------ 12 shirish shirish 4.0K Jun 11 2015 14
drwx------ 12 shirish shirish 4.0K Jun 11 2015 15
drwx------ 27 shirish shirish 4.0K Oct 24 2014 16
drwx------ 25 shirish shirish 4.0K Oct 24 2014 17
drwx------ 4 shirish shirish 4.0K Mar 4 2014 3
drwx------ 5 shirish shirish 4.0K Mar 4 2014 8
drwx------ 9 shirish shirish 4.0K Mar 29 2014 9
What was/is interesting to see things like this maybe imagery offset As I was in a moving vehicle, it isn t easy to know if the imagery is at fault or was it app. , sensor of my mobile ? Did see but as can be seen that requires more effort from my side. The last tool proved to be the most problematic 3. JOSM Getting the tracks into josm which was easily done. While firing up josm came across which I subsequently filed. One of the other first things which has been a major irritant for a long time is JOSM is, for a lack of better term, ugly. See the interface, especially the one having preferences, all cluttered look and specifically see the plugins corner/tab josm-preferences-plugin tab The part about it being ugly, I dunno but have seen most java apps are a bit ugly. It is a bit generalist I know but that has been my experience with whatever little java apps. I have used. I don t know what the reasons for that are, maybe because java is known/rumoured to use lot of memory which seems true in my case as well OR it doesn t have toolkits like gtk3+ or qt quick, although have to say that the looks have improved from before when I used it last some years ago
[shirish@debian] - [~] - [10340]
[$] ps -eo size,pid,user,command awk ' hr=$1/1024 ; printf("%13.6f Mb ",hr) for ( x=4 ; x<=NF ; x++ ) printf("%s ",$x) print "" ' grep josm
0.324219 Mb /bin/sh /usr/bin/josm
419.468750 Mb /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -Djosm.restart=true -jar /usr/share/josm/josm.jar
This is when I m just opening josm and have not added any tracks or done any work. Now I wanted to explore the routing in good amount of detail on josm. This was easily said than done. When trying to get imagery I got the Download area too large issue/defect . Multiple tries didn t get me anywhere. Then hunting on the web came across the continous-download plugin which is part of the plugin infrastructure . This I found to be a very good tool. It downloads the tiles and puts them in ~/.josm/cache/tiles
[shirish@debian] - [~/.josm/cache/tiles] - [10147]
[$] ll -h
total 28M
-rw-r--r-- 1 shirish shirish 28M Oct 2 02:13
-rw-r--r-- 1 shirish shirish 290K Oct 3 12:59 TMS_BLOCK_v2.key
-rw-r--r-- 1 shirish shirish 4 Oct 3 12:59 WMS_BLOCK_v2.key
-rw-r--r-- 1 shirish shirish 4 Oct 3 12:59 WMTS_BLOCK_v2.key
While unfortunately I cannot see this/make sense of it I m guessing it is some sort of database with key and data files. What did become apparent is that the OSM needs lots more love if it is to become something which can be used everyday. At the end I had to change the open-source gpx track file to a Google map kml file to be able to make sense as there are whole areas which need to be named, numbered etc. One of the newbie mistakes that I did was trying to use the slippy map in josm (using Openstreetmap/Mapnik at the back-end) to move/pan using the left-hand mouse button. It took me quite sometime to figure out that it is with right-hand mouse button that you can make the slippy map pan. This is different from almost all maps, gnome-maps uses the traditional left-hand button, Google maps also uses the same. I have filed it in upstream as . So at least, in these rounds it is gnome-maps which has kind of won even though it doesn t do any of the things that josm claims to do. I am sure there might be some interesting tricks and tips that people might have to share about mapping
Filed under: Miscellenous Tagged: #Debconf16, #GNOME-MAPS, #JOSM, OSM

27 July 2016

Norbert Preining: TUG 2016 Day 2 Figures to Fonts

The second day of TUG 2016 was again full of interesting talks spanning from user experiences to highly technical details about astrological chart drawing, and graphical user interfaces to TikZ to the invited talk by Robert Bringhurst on the Palatino family of fonts. tug2016-bringhurst With all these interesting things there is only one thing to compain I cannot get out of the dark basement and enjoy the city After a evening full of sake and a good night s sleep we were ready to dive into the second day of TUG. Kaveh Bazargan A graphical user interface for TikZ The opening speaker of Day 2 was Kaveh. He first gave us a quick run-down on what he is doing for business and what challenges publishers are facing in these times. After that he introduced us to his new development of a command line graphical user interface for TikZ. I wrote command line on purpose, because the editing operations are short commands issued on a kind of command line, which will give an immediate graphical feedback. Basic of the technique is a simplified TikZ-like meta language that is not only easy to write, but also easy to parse. While the amount of supported commands and features of TikZ is still quite small, I think the basic idea is a good one, and there is a good potential in it. Matthew Skala Astrological charts with horoscop and starfont Next up was Matthew who introduced us to the involved task of typesetting astrological charts. He included comparisons with various commercial and open source solutions, where Matthew of course, but me too, felt that his charts came of quite well! As an extra bonus we got some charts of famous singers, as well as the TUG 2016 horoscope. David Tulett Development of an e-textbook using LaTeX and PStricks David reported on his project to develop an e-textbook on decision modeling (lots of math!) using LaTeX and PStricks. His e-book is of course a PDF. There were a lot of very welcoming feedback free (CC-BY-NC-ND) textbooks for sciences are rare and we need more of them. Christian Gagn An Emacs-based writing workflow inspired by TeX and WEB, targeting the Web Christian s talk turned around editing and publishing using org-mode of Emacs and the various levels of macros one can use in this setup. He finished with a largely incomprehensible vision of a future equational logic based notation mode. I have used equational logic in my day-in-day-out job, and I am not completely convinced that this is a good approach for typesetting and publishing but who knows, I am looking forward to a more logic-based approach! Barbara Beeton, Frank Mittelbach In memoriam: Sebastian Rahtz (1955-2016) Frank recalled Sebastian s many contribution to a huge variety of fields, and recalled our much missed colleague with many photos and anecdotes. Jim Hefferon A LaTeX reference manual Jim reported about the current state of a LaTeX reference manual, which tries to provide a documentation orthogonally to the many introduction and user guides available, by providing a straight down-to-earth reference manual with all the technical bells and whistles necessary. As I had to write myself a reference manual for a computer language, it was very interested to see how they dealt with many of the same problems I am facing. Arthur Reutenauer, Mojca Miklavec Hyphenation past and future: hyph-utf8 and patgen Arthur reports about the current statue of the hyphenation pattern project, and in particular the license and usage hell they recently came into with large cooperations simply grabbing the patterns without proper attribution. In a second part he gave a rough sketch of his shot at a reimplementation of patgen. Unfortunately he wrote in rather unreadable hand-writing on a flip-chart, which made only the first line audience to actually see what he was writing. Federico Garcia-De Castro TeXcel? As an artist organizing large festivals Federico has to fight with financial planning and reports. He seemed not content with the abilities of the usual suspects, so he developed a way to do Excel like book-keeping in TeX. Nice idea, I hope I can use that system for the next conference I have to organize! Jennifer Claudio A brief reflection on TeX and end-user needs Last speaker in the morning session was Jennifer who gave us a new and end-user s view onto the TeX environment, and the respective needs. These kind of talks are a very much welcomed contrast to technical talks and hopefully all of us developers take home some of her suggestions. Sungmin Kim, Jaeyoung Choi, Geunho Jeong MFCONFIG: Metafont plug-in module for the Freetype rasterizer Jaeyoung reported about an impressive project to make Metafont fonts available to fontconfig and thus windowing systems. He also explained their development of a new font format Stemfont, which is a Metafont-like system that can work also for CJK fonts, and which they envisage to be built into all kind of mobile devices. Michael Sharpe New font offerings Cochineal, Nimbus15 and LibertinusT1Math Michael reports about his last font projects. The first two being extensions of the half-made half-butchered rereleased URW fonts, as well as his first (?) math font project. I talked to him over lunch one day, and asked him how many man-days he need for these fonts, and his answer was speaking a lot: For the really messed up new URW fonts, like Cochineal, he guessed about 5 man-months of work, while other fonts only needed a few days. I think we all can be deeply thankful to all the work he is investing into all these font projects. Robert Bringhurst The evolution of the Palatino tribe The second invited talk was Robert Bringhurst, famous for his wide contributions to typpography, book culture in general, as well as poetry. He gave a quick historic overview on the development of the Palatino tribe of fonts, with lots of beautiful photos. I was really looking forward to Robert s talk, and my expectations were extremely high. And unfortunately I must say I was quite disappointed. Maybe it is his style of presentation, but the feeling he transfered to me (the audience?) was that he was going through a necessary medical check, not much enjoying the presentation. Also, the content itself was not really full of his own ideas or thoughts, but a rather superficial listing of historical facts. Of course, a person like Robert Bringhurst is so full of anecdotes and background knowledge still was a great pleasure to listen and lots of things to learn, I only hoped for a bit more enthusiasm. TUG Annual General Meeting The afternoon session finished with the TUG Annual General Meeting, reports will be sent out soon to all TUG members. Herbert Schulz Optional workshop: TeXShop tips & tricks After the AGM, Herbert from MacTeX and TeXShop gave an on-the-spot workshop on TeXShop. Since I am not a Mac user, I skipped on that.
Another late afternoon program consisted of an excursion to Eliot s bookshop, where many of us stacked up on great books. This time again I skipped and took a nap. In the evening we had a rather interesting informal dinner in the food court of some building, where only two shops were open and all of us lined up in front of the Japanese Curry shop, and then gulped down from plastic boxes. Hmm, not my style I have to say, not even for informal dinner. But at least I could meet up with a colleague from Debian and get some gpg key signing done. And of course, talking to all kind of people around. The last step for me was in the pub opposite the hotel, with beer and whiskey/scotch selected by specialists in the field.

18 April 2016

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible builds: week 50 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort between April 3rd and April 9th 2016: Media coverage Emily Ratliff wrote an article for SecurityWeek called Establishing Correspondence Between an Application and its Source Code - How Combining Two Completely Separate Open Source Projects Can Make Us All More Secure. Tails have started work on a design for freezable APT repositories to make it easier and practical to perform reproductions of an entire distribution at a given point in time, which will be needed to create reproducible installation- or live-media. Toolchain fixes Alexis Bienven e submitted patches adding support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in several tools: transfig, imagemagick, rdtool, and asciidoctor. boyska submitted one for python-reportlab. Packages fixed The following packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: atinject-jsr330 brailleutils cglib3 gnugo libcobra-java libgnumail-java libjchart2d-java libjcommon-java libjfreechart-java libjide-oss-java liblaf-widget-java liblastfm-java liboptions-java octave-control octave-mpi octave-nan octave-parallel octave-stk octave-struct octave-tsa oar The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Several uploads fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet: Other upstream fixes Alexander Batischev made a commit to make newsbeuter reproducible. Package reviews 93 reviews have been removed, 66 added and 21 updated in the previous week. 12 new FTBFS bugs have been reported by Chris Lamb and Niko Tyni. Misc. This week's edition was written by Lunar, Holger Levsen, Reiner Herrmann, Mattia Rizzolo and Ximin Luo. With the departure of Lunar as a full-time contributor, Reproducible Builds Weekly News (this thing you're reading) has moved from his personal Debian blog on Debian People to the Reproducible Builds team web site on Debian Alioth. You may want to update your RSS or Atom feeds. Very many thanks to Lunar for writing and publishing this weekly news for so long, well & continously!

12 April 2016

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible builds: week 48 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort between March 20th and March 26th: Toolchain fixes Daniel Kahn Gillmor worked on removing build path from build symbols submitting a patch adding -fdebug-prefix-map to clang to match GCC, another patch against gcc-5 to backport the removal of -fdebug-prefix-map from DW_AT_producer, and finally by proposing the addition of a normalizedebugpath to the reproducible feature set of dpkg-buildflags that would use -fdebug-prefix-map to replace the current directory with . using -fdebug-prefix-map. Sergey Poznyakoff merged the --clamp-mtime option so that it will be featured in the next Tar release. This option is likely to be used by dpkg-deb to implement deterministic mtimes for packaged files. Packages fixed The following packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: augeas, gmtkbabel, ktikz, octave-control, octave-general, octave-image, octave-ltfat, octave-miscellaneous, octave-mpi, octave-nurbs, octave-octcdf, octave-sockets, octave-strings, openlayers, python-structlog, signond. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet: i386 build nodes have been setup by converting 2 of the 4 amd64 nodes to i386. (h01ger) Package reviews 92 reviews have been removed, 66 added and 31 updated in the previous week. New issues: timestamps_generated_by_xbean_spring, timestamps_generated_by_mangosdk_spiprocessor. Chris Lamb filed 7 FTBFS bugs. Misc. On March 20th, Chris Lamb gave a talk at FOSSASIA 2016 in Singapore. The very same day, but a few timezones apart, h01ger did a presentation at LibrePlanet 2016 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Seven GSoC/Outreachy applications were made by potential interns to work on various aspects of the reproducible builds effort. On top of interacting with several applicants, prospective mentors gathered to review the applications.

27 March 2016

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 48 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort between March 20th and March 26th:

Toolchain fixes
  • Sebastian Ramacher uploaded breathe/4.2.0-1 which makes its output deterministic. Original patch by Chris Lamb, merged uptream.
  • Rafael Laboissiere uploaded octave/4.0.1-1 which allows packages to be built in place and avoid unreproducible builds due to temporary build directories appearing in the .oct files.
Daniel Kahn Gillmor worked on removing build path from build symbols submitting a patch adding -fdebug-prefix-map to clang to match GCC, another patch against gcc-5 to backport the removal of -fdebug-prefix-map from DW_AT_producer, and finally by proposing the addition of a normalizedebugpath to the reproducible feature set of dpkg-buildflags that would use -fdebug-prefix-map to replace the current directory with . using -fdebug-prefix-map. As succesful result of lobbying at LibrePlanet 2016, the --clamp-mtime option will be featured in the next Tar release. This option is likely to be used by dpkg-deb to implement deterministic mtimes for packaged files.

Packages fixed The following packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: augeas, gmtkbabel, ktikz, octave-control, octave-general, octave-image, octave-ltfat, octave-miscellaneous, octave-mpi, octave-nurbs, octave-octcdf, octave-sockets, octave-strings, openlayers, python-structlog, signond. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet:
  • #818742 on milkytracker by Reiner Herrmann: sorts the list of source files.
  • #818752 on tcl8.4 by Reiner Herrmann: sort source files using C locale.
  • #818753 on tk8.6 by Reiner Herrmann: sort source files using C locale.
  • #818754 on tk8.5 by Reiner Herrmann: sort source files using C locale.
  • #818755 on tk8.4 by Reiner Herrmann: sort source files using C locale.
  • #818952 on marionnet by ceridwen: dummy out build date and uname to make build reproducible.
  • #819334 on avahi by Reiner Herrmann: ship upstream changelog instead of the one generated by gettextize (although duplicate of #804141 by Santiago Vila). i386 build nodes have been setup by converting 2 of the 4 amd64 nodes to i386. (h01ger)

Package reviews 92 reviews have been removed, 66 added and 31 updated in the previous week. New issues: timestamps_generated_by_xbean_spring, timestamps_generated_by_mangosdk_spiprocessor. Chris Lamb filed 7 FTBFS bugs.

Misc. On March 20th, Chris Lamb gave a talk at FOSSASIA 2016 in Singapore. The very same day, but a few timezones apart, h01ger did a presentation at LibrePlanet 2016 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Seven GSoC/Outreachy applications were made by potential interns to work on various aspects of the reproducible builds effort. On top of interacting with several applicants, prospective mentors gathered to review the applications. Huge thanks to Linda Naeun Lee for the new hackergotchi visible on Planet Debian.

14 January 2016

Tiago Bortoletto Vaz: "Des pas sur la neige..." Orchestration

Des pas sur la neige ("Footprints in the Snow") is a beautiful piano piece from Debussy which I had the chance to orchestrate in the context of my music composition program at the university. I've received a few critics and some kind words about this work, so last year I decided to publish it somewhere. Then I completely forgot. Then this week I watched Youth, from Paolo Sorrentino, who's known for chosing lovely music for his lovely movies, and Debussy was there. I've got then some motivation and after a few adjustments here and there I uploaded the final score here. I've been using MuseScore, a free (libre) software for all my music work, even for less traditional notation.

20 December 2015

Iustin Pop: Nikkor 200-500mm f5.6E ED VR tests

So, lately I've been on a telephoto lens learning curve; after the 300mm prime, I said to test a zoom lens. As I found the prime reasonably easy to adapt to (compared to shorter focal length lenses), I thought that a zoom (heavier, bigger) will be the same. Oh, I was wrong. My keeper rate for the first outdoors test was quite bad around 50% only, which (when talking only about focus/sharpness) is much below my standards. I started easy; some close or medium range shots, nothing special: Usual flower picture Lonely snag But then, moving to further distances, things became less straightforward. Shooting two pictures each time meant that usually one of them was sharp, but the other not. I got really confused at this step; the shutter speed was 1/2000s and I also had VR on; either VR was unneeded (i.e. contributing blur instead of helping) or something else was going on. After much head scratching, I think it's a combination of the following factors: So, for such style of shooting, I need to train more both photographic technique and arm strength at the gym In the meantime, it is possible to get such shots reasonably sharp, for example this picture of the (start of the) Alps taken from what is technically still Z rich city: The Alps  viewed from Z rich! I'm happy with the detail (at this distance), however I was not able to correct the colour due to the haze between me and the mountains; note that the trees on the bottom of the distance were not near me, but on the next or after-next hill. This picture confirms that with more practice things will get better. Coming back to shorter distances, and shorter focal lengths, things are looking better. We were passing somewhat near some people playing with RC-controlled planes not near enough to hear them, but near enough to see the plane quickly flying. Switched camera quickly to AF-C and Dynamic-21 focus, and - to my surprise - I was able to capture four good pictures, two so-so and four more clearly out of focus. But, for such a heavy length, hand-held and on the short notice, I was happy; the first picture is one of the so-so ones, but I kept it as I like the way the propeller is seen. All pictures at 290mm plus some cropping, 1/1250s, ISO between 900 and 1800, f/5.6 (i.e wide open): RC plane: continous focus tests RC plane #2 RC plane #3: good results! RC plane #4 RC plane #5: landing? From this exercise, the conclusion is that the lens is OK-ish for tracking, although the not-so good keeper rate tells me that I need to be careful; I'll have to see how a subject moving not left-right, but instead approaching or moving away from the camera would be tracked. But enough pictures of small planes. At 500mm, but still somewhat close, trees: Trees @ 500mm At this step I'm starting to wonder if stopping down a bit would help with the sharpness; I'll have to test that in the future. Walking some more, finally a bird in flight; one of the hopes when I took the camera/lens out was that I'll see some birds, but this was the first. 500mm, heavily cropped, but quite good result for myself (same autofocus settings as before): Bird in flight @ 500mm Bird in flight: difficult light The only problem here is, as always with crows (I think these are crows), is the black bird against the light-blue sky (not even strong blue), which means the picture has a high dynamic range; recovering the shadows on the bird is difficult. But in any case, it's clear the lens can deliver, if the photographer is good. Next, a helicopter was gracious enough to pass by (pretty close): Helicopter: close shot Two minutes later, it was quite far, but since it was going in the direction of the Alps, it gave the opportunity for a nice shot: Helicopter: flying towards the Alps This picture is less sharp, but still I like it due to composition; not successful on small screens though, only if you see it full screen. Light is very difficult though and about 10 seconds earlier would have been even better (more separation between the helicopter and the mountain). And since we're talking about planes, let's see a plane at 500m, directly overhead, and quite high: High-flying plane This picture (@500mm, cropped, 1/2000s) has the most detail of a plane flying high enough to have trails (not sure how to estimate, but at least 5km, maybe more around 7-8 I'd say) that I ever took. So yes, the lens can deliver, but it's not easy. This shot, being shot more or less straight up, had the least distance through low-altitude atmosphere, so it has less problems compared to the mountains pictures. It's still not really sharp (lens wide open), but the amount of detail I'm sold :) And to finish on a more close note: Hunting!! A long focal length lens allows one to get "close" without getting close, which means animals are not disturbed. The first picture with the cat (not shown) had the cat less alert; ears not fully up, although eyes were still seeking; this picture shows it fully alert and concentrated, like it was a wild cat hunting for its survival, and not a city cat, out just for fun. So, summary: All the best to everybody for the coming holidays, and thanks for reading.

27 November 2015

Gergely Nagy: Feeding Emacs

For the past fifteen years, I have been tweaking my ~/.emacs continously, most recently by switching to Spacemacs. With that switch done, I started to migrate a few more things to Emacs, an Atom/RSS reader being one that's been in the queue for years - ever since Google Reader shut down. Since March 2013, I have been a Feedly user, but I wanted to migrate to something better for a long time. I wanted to use Free Software, for one.I saw a mention of Elfeed somewhere a little while ago, and in the past few days, I decided to give it a go. The results are pretty amazing.blah

1 September 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 18 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort this week: Toolchain fixes Aur lien Jarno uploaded glibc/2.21-0experimental1 which will fix the issue were locales-all did not behave exactly like locales despite having it in the Provides field. Lunar rebased the pu/reproducible_builds branch for dpkg on top of the released 1.18.2. This made visible an issue with udebs and automatically generated debug packages. The summary from the meeting at DebConf15 between ftpmasters, dpkg mainatainers and reproducible builds folks has been posted to the revelant mailing lists. Packages fixed The following 70 packages became reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: activemq-activeio, async-http-client, classworlds, clirr, compress-lzf, dbus-c++, felix-bundlerepository, felix-framework, felix-gogo-command, felix-gogo-runtime, felix-gogo-shell, felix-main, felix-shell-tui, felix-shell, findbugs-bcel, gco, gdebi, gecode, geronimo-ejb-3.2-spec, git-repair, gmetric4j, gs-collections, hawtbuf, hawtdispatch, jack-tools, jackson-dataformat-cbor, jackson-dataformat-yaml, jackson-module-jaxb-annotations, jmxetric, json-simple, kryo-serializers, lhapdf, libccrtp, libclaw, libcommoncpp2, libftdi1, libjboss-marshalling-java, libmimic, libphysfs, libxstream-java, limereg, maven-debian-helper, maven-filtering, maven-invoker, mochiweb, mongo-java-driver, mqtt-client, netty-3.9, openhft-chronicle-queue, openhft-compiler, openhft-lang, pavucontrol, plexus-ant-factory, plexus-archiver, plexus-bsh-factory, plexus-cdc, plexus-classworlds2, plexus-component-metadata, plexus-container-default, plexus-io, pytone, scolasync, sisu-ioc, snappy-java, spatial4j-0.4, tika, treeline, wss4j, xtalk, zshdb. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet: Chris Lamb also noticed that binaries shipped with libsilo-bin did not work. Documentation update Chris Lamb and Ximin Luo assembled a proper specification for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in the hope to convince more upstreams to adopt it. Thanks to Holger it is published under a non-Debian domain name. Lunar documented easiest way to solve issues with file ordering and timestamps in tarballs that came with tar/1.28-1. Some examples on how to use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH have been improved to support systems without GNU date. armhf is finally being tested, which also means the remote building of Debian packages finally works! This paves the way to perform the tests on even more architectures and doing variations on CPU and date. Some packages even produce the same binary Arch:all packages on different architectures (1, 2). (h01ger) Tests for FreeBSD are finally running. (h01ger) As it seems the gcc5 transition has cooled off, we schedule sid more often than testing again on amd64. (h01ger) disorderfs has been built and installed on all build nodes (amd64 and armhf). One issue related to permissions for root and unpriviliged users needs to be solved before disorderfs can be used on (h01ger) strip-nondeterminism Version 0.011-1 has been released on August 29th. The new version updates dh_strip_nondeterminism to match recent changes in debhelper. (Andrew Ayer) disorderfs disorderfs, the new FUSE filesystem to ease testing of filesystem-related variations, is now almost ready to be used. Version 0.2.0 adds support for extended attributes. Since then Andrew Ayer also added support to reverse directory entries instead of shuffling them, and arbitrary padding to the number of blocks used by files. Package reviews 142 reviews have been removed, 48 added and 259 updated this week. Santiago Vila renamed the not_using_dh_builddeb issue into varying_mtimes_in_data_tar_gz_or_control_tar_gz to align better with other tag names. New issue identified this week: random_order_in_python_doit_completion. 37 FTBFS issues have been reported by Chris West (Faux) and Chris Lamb. Misc. h01ger gave a talk at FrOSCon on August 23rd. Recordings are already online. These reports are being reviewed and enhanced every week by many people hanging out on #debian-reproducible. Huge thanks!

